Greenwood Friends of the Library

You don’t know what you are missing!
If you haven’t joined the Greenwood Friends of the Library, you don’t know what you are missing! The Friends meet quarterly on the last Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm at the library (Check the calendar to see when our next meeting is!). Please feel free to come to a meeting to see for yourself how much a small group can do.

Who We Are
The Friends organization of the Library is a non-profit group of citizen volunteers that are associated on behalf of a library. The purpose of Friends is to be of service to the library and to the community.

What We Do
The major activities of the Greenwood Public Library Friends include:

  • Fund raising activities for major projects (such as a new building) or for continuing needs (new materials or equipment) and growth.
  • Volunteering to support activities which the Library could not otherwise provide, such as delivery of materials to home-bound patrons.
  • Telling others in the community about the Library and its services.
  • Serving as a citizen lobby, speaking in support of its efforts to local, county, state, and federal governing bodies.
  • Helping develop programs of interest and sharing the fun of being involved in the Library though volunteerism.

Other examples of Friends activities include:
book sales, soliciting donations, grant writing, other fund raising projects, providing funds for staff development, holiday decorating, assisting with library events, visiting other Friend’s meetings as a liaison, newsletter and website publication, purchasing the “extras” the Library needs, and helping with Library Use surveys and development. The Friends of the Library also pays for the L.E.A.P. Program insurance and portions of the Children’s Summer Reading Program.

How to Join
To become a Friend of the Greenwood Public Library, attend our next meeting. You can be as active as you want as a Friend; you can pay your dues and do nothing else except know you are supporting a worthwhile organization, or, you can pay your dues and volunteer some of your time. Perhaps you would like to be on a committee or on the board of the Friends of the Library?

The yearly dues for being a Friend of the Library are:

  • Individual: $10.00
  • Benefactor (lifetime): $100.00

Contact Us
Friends of the Greenwood Public Library
P.O. Box 25
Greenwood, DEĀ  19950

Copyright © 2025