Meeting Space Request Form

Please fill out theĀ form below to submit your request. We will contact you to confirm that your reservation has been accepted. Your acceptance below is your signature. We look forward to hosting your event.


1. Submit online.

2. Print the and fax to (302) 349-5284, email to, or return to the Greenwood Public Library.

3. Get your Meeting Room Use Policy and Request Form at the Greenwood Public Library.

Thank you,
Greenwood Public Library


    Name of Organization (required) - Must be a government entity, non-profit, civic, educational or cultural group:

    (Please indicate the meaning of any initials or acronyms)

    Description of Event:

    Date of Use Requested (Minimum of two weeks notice required):

    Start Time and End Time (required) - Set up and break down time must be built into the requested reservation time which must be during normal business hours. Break down must be completed at least 15 minutes before the library closes:

    Number of Attending (required):

    Number of Tables - Conference Room can only have 2 tables (required):

    Number of Chairs - Conference Room can only have 10 chairs (required):

    Select A Room:

    Conference Room (Max. 8)Half Meeting Room (Max. 35 if not using tables)Multipurpose Room (Max. 75 if not using tables)

    Contact Person (required):

    Contact Phone Number (required):

    Contact Email (required):

    Contact Address:

    Check Equipment Needed (Not all equipment available in all rooms):

    Kitchenette (attached to Meeting Room B only)Multimedia projector (Meeting Rooms/Multipurpose Room)Cords to connect a laptop to our multimedia projector



    As a representative of the above organization, I have read the policy guidelines governing the use of the meeting room and agree to abide them. I understand that failure to do so may preclude future use of the meeting rooms. Set up and break down of the room is the responsibility of the user. By checking this you are accepting these terms.

    Copyright © 2025